
Myofunctional therapy is a natural, non- invasive and inexpensive treatment that can resolve these chronic symptoms. With little time and a dedicated effort, you will see a difference in your quality of life, health, and well-being.

We provide help with the following conditions

Mouth Breathing

Mouth breathing has a significant effect on our growth and development and can be the cause of many symptoms we experience daily.


The first sign of SDB is mouth breathing or snoring. Many fail to recognize that this can be a connection to more serious conditions, that being obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Clenching, Grinding

Symptoms of TMJ disorders include clicking and popping, jaw pain, ear pain/ringing, and dizziness. These disorders often lead to clenching

Head and Neck Tension

In most cases waking up with a headache is one of the cardinal signs of sleep apnea. Morning headaches, tension headaches, migraines, cluster headaches, and hypnic headaches

Enlarged Tonsils

The tonsils and adenoids are lymphatic tissue found on both sides of the back of the throat and where the nasal passages meet the throat.


A tongue-tie (ankloglossia) is a condition that restricts the tongue movement due to an abnormally short and thick band of tissue usually under the tongue

Chronic Nasal Congestion

Chronic nasal congestion starts with mouth breathing, which activates accessory muscles in the upper chest. You limit or reduce the use of the diaphragm when

Speech Impairment

Myofunctional therapy works with individuals on tongue placement and control which can help with speech problems, difficult sounds, lisp, stuttering, mumbling

Crooked Teeth

Mouth breathing can lead to many symptoms including: Altered craniofacial growth and development (elongated face, retracted jaw)

Sucking Habits

These oral habits such as thumb and finger sucking, prolonged use of pacifiers and bottle feeding, or really anything in the mouth for a prolonged period

Chronic Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is the third most common gastrointestinal disorder in the U.S., and it is one the leading causes of disturbed sleep among the American population age 45-64.

Speech Impairment

Myofunctional therapy works with individuals on tongue placement and control which can help with speech problems, difficult sounds, lisp, stuttering, mumbling

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